Scrap Theft Alert System   scrap theft alert

Copper and metal theft continues to be a significant issue across North America and poses a significant threat to public safety and national security at many electrical utility and telecommunications facilities. In addition, many small businesses are also impacted by metal theft from storage yards leading to significant losses in both material and production delays.

In an effort to combat the theft of copper and metal, the Operation Hands Off program has developed proven loss prevention strategies which brings all stakeholders together in a coordinated effort to deter theft. The program includes national partnerships with the Canadian Association Of Recycling Industries (CARI) and Canadian Crime Stoppers Association to collectively work together to reduce crime.

Scrap Theft Alert is a new component of the program developed by the recycling industry to disseminate information on thefts in a timely manner to recyclers within a geographic area of the theft.

This service is available free of charge to anyone experiencing metal theft. Information provided by the victim is quickly distributed to both law enforcement agencies and recycling operators in the area and forms part of the theft prevention strategy employed by recycling members.

To report a theft of stolen metal of copper you must register as a user and provide a police report number. The link below will take you to the Scrap Theft Alert system. Should you require assistance or further information please contact us.

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